Author: Sophie Kinsella
Releasedate: 5th of February, 2019
Love means, all debts are off.

And for now something completely different then what I usually read. I have been a fan of Sophie Kinsella since way back. I've read her entire Shopaholic series and a lót of other books from her. They are just so easy and fun to read. No, it didn't take me almost a month to read this one, I had a little betareading to do in between. It took me only two days to read this one!
Sophies writing style is just easy to follow and she just pulls you into her story to tell. As usual this one also has a lot of embarrasing moments, heartbreaking moments, but in the end it all works out. Through the story itself you really don't know how this is ever going to work out, but it does!
I really like the main character, Fixie, a lot. She reminds me a little of myself. I also want to fix things when they are broken and to help where I can. And Fixie does that. Yes, it ensues for having quite the troubles throughout the book, but because of her character, it works.
It took me far too long to finally read this, I had it for quite some time on my shelf since it came out, but I'm glad I finally got around to do it, because she definitely didn't disappoint. If you want a fun, no nonsense, easy to read book, then this is your one! I just could myself picture it to be in her shop with every thing that is going on and that is gold on itself.
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