Author: Diana Gabaldon
Releasedate: 1st of June, 1991

After seeing the Outlander TV series, which I was hooked on, I decided I needed to start reading the book series as well. I really loved the series, despite the high amount of sexscenes (which aren't just set for the sex, but to illustrate the passion that transpired between husband and wife and which was properly done so), I just loved the story itself, based in Scotland.
However, I am not writing a review of the tvseries here, but of the first book.
In the first book of this series we get to know Claire and how she ended up in 1743. The writing style of Diana is rich and really drags you into the scene of the Scottish Highlands. Her choosing of words makes you feel like you were there. What I even found more impressive is that she made the Scottish accent readable and I loved that. I could picture everyone saying their sentences. Which is also pretty impressive if you realize Diana is born in Arizona, North America.
Since I've watched the series, I had a vague idea what would happen in the book and to be honest, I really do like the book better then the series, because it goes so much more deeper and shows more what transpires in Claires head. And Jamie... Well, Jamie is more of a Scottish brute in the book then he is in the series, but he is also more obvious higher educated, which tends to get a little lost in the tv-series. And to be honest, the tv-series follows the book pretty good. Even some sentences are literally what transpired in the book, but the book is obviously more richer in what happens, so I can definitely recommend reading it. Don't get frightened by the amount of pages (850 according to Goodreads!), it really is worth the read! If you like history, romance, Scots and a true vision of what transpired back in those days, it really is worth the read.
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